

"Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation"

(Engraved on the stairway leading to the Monastery of Mar Moussa)
Thanks to my fellow Syrian bloggers for a great evening yesterday.
Update: I just knew that this is a quote from Gibran Khalil Gibran's "The Prophet". I pasted above the original text instead of my translation.


Anonymous said...

Do people seriously have nothing better to do than spam random blogs?

Anyway, Nice picture ayman... what a true quote. Are these just some random rocks you came accross?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, i didn't read the fine print under the picture: (Engraved on the stairway leading to the Monastery of Mar Moussa)

Ghalia said...

Thank YOU for introducing us to this beautiful virtual world of the most nicest people I've ever knew! I wish u all the best of luck, I'm sure u'll be a successful doctor that we feel proud of him…Bil salamah oo al tawfeek:)

JiimSiin جيم سين said...

Great find, Ayman.
This reminds me of the rock overlooking Rabweh which was engraved with a writing that I can't remember anymore unfortunately. It was something like "I'll always love you". I heard that it had a real and beautiful story behind it - the girl in question was married by force to somone, and the man who loves her wrote this in reaction.

Ihsan said...

Good luck Ayman, same feelings wallahe.

GottfriedStutz: It's "Always Remember me!" He'd written it right before he jumped off the cliff and died! Stupid, is what I can say about him!

Amr Faham said...

go ahead Ayman, nothing remains the same.. such is life and we all have to move sometimes to somewhere.
but you should know that you will be always in on mind.

Zena said...

You are going to be missed, and always remember that we are here for you no matter what.
I hope from the bottom of my heart, that you would get what you want and desire, May God be with you and protect you.

Please take care of yourself.

Martin said...

I hope you are not going somewhere? :-)

That quote is very true. Take it into your hearts people.

- Martin

GraY FoX said...

Dear Ayman ...
though i barely got to meet ya .. but definitely we are gonna lose some nice thoughtful guy ... miss ya already and raise our heads ;)

x said...

Best of luck Ayman :)

JiimSiin جيم سين said...

Ayman, I must be missing something. You're leaving? For studies? Work?

Whatever the reason, I wish you the best of luck.

Yazan said...

All the best for you Ayman... from all my heart, all the best!!

Dina said...

That's sweet Ayman :) Wishing you the best of luck and come back soon :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ayman,

thanks for this excellent website! Having just discovered it last week through an article in the German daily newspaper "Frankfurter Rundschau" I hope you will be able to continue your posts. Keep up the excellent work!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Ayman, so now you're an international celebrety, and you name is on german newspaper!
Before in Libanese and Egyptian too! or I'm wrong?
Well, you diserve it dear friend, u r 1 of the few people who still believe in the love of the contry, ond the patrionic feeling.
Our contry sadly don't know what she's loosing, when guys like you and all other good fellows, who are obligeted to leave for reason of money or study, while the people on charge their can make the situation much better so the good brians stay.
Everyday, I ask god to help our contry to get over all her enamies inside or outside to the greatest future to the Syrian people.

Anonymous said...

What a graceful way to say goodbye, Ayman - but I hope it's just "so long!"

I hope you study hard and come back as a better doctor to Syria - and treat us to more of your interesting posts then. I'll certainly miss them in the mean time; I've already steered many fellow travellers to your blog.

I'll be back to Damascus some time, and hope to meet you there. Thanks for enlivening my memories of Damascus and strengthening my wish to come back.
Take care, and so long!

Anonymous said...


Ayman Haykal said...

Thanks everybody for your sweet comments :)

Ghalia, Ihsan, Amr, Zena, Omar and GrayFox, shukran, shukran very much! I will miss you all a lot. Keep me updated about the meet-ups!

Gottfried and Martin, I am in the States to take exams and apply for medical residency there. I hope I'll be back in Damascus next spring.

Yasser, thanks man.. I don't deserve all that. Wenak moo mbayen? I'll email you now.

Marjolein, thank you very much and hope to see you in Damascus soon :)

Catherine said...

good luck!

Anonymous said...

Join the Movement..take action!

Syria Forever


Sharks said...

Nice blog u got there!...
The pictures in "Golden Flowing" n' "Take Off!"...really swept me off...some of u can be really patriotic!...
Keep it up...Peace out!...

gr8gatsby said...

That's just beautiful!

(To avoid spam you need to switch on the word verification option. Spam is generated by machines not humans so they cannot verify words. so nerr.)

JiimSiin جيم سين said...

Well, Ayman, now we know.

I wish you the best of luck in the US, and look forward to reading your blog entries even if you run out of pictures from Syria :-)