
Foggy Scene

Mount Qassyoun and the blinking red light of its giant TV transmission tower disappeared behind thick fog that fell over Damascus today. The picture was shot in Abu Rummaneh Street near Rawdah Square.


Martin said...

Was this taken in the morning? It's a very intersting shot. I like the fog. I hope to be able to capture some foggy photos some time myself :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm Leila Abu-Saba of Dove's Eye View, http://bedouina.typepad.com - no Blogger account.

Love this blog - I'm sending the link to my dad, who will love it too.
OTQuestion - can you point me to info on how to set up a blog where you can post in both English and Arabic? My dad wants to post his poetry in both languages and I have said I'll help him set up a blog. But I really don't know anything about Arabic online. Dad says he's a member of Maktoub and he has Arabic keyboard and software.

All the bloggers who post in both languages are impossible to contact if you don't have a blogger account!
Sorry for the OT post but I'm getting desperate...
Thanks so much
Leila Abu-saba - leilasab@yahoo.com